
All public konigcell subroutines are fully documented here, along with copy-pastable examples. The base functionality is summarised below. You can also use the Search bar in the top left to go directly to what you need.

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konigcell.Pixels(pixels_array, xlim, ylim, ...)

A class managing a 2D pixel space with physical dimensions, including tools for pixel manipulation and visualisation.

konigcell.Voxels(voxels_array, xlim, ylim, ...)

A class managing a 3D voxel space with physical dimensions, including tools for voxel manipulation and visualisation.

Projection Modes#

konigcell.RATIO - Weight cell values by the ratio of the intersected cell area / volume and the total circle area / sphere volume.

konigcell.INTERSECTION - Weight cell values by their intersected area / volume with the rasterized shape.

konigcell.PARTICLE - Weight cell values by the rasterized shape’s area / volume.

konigcell.ONE - Add factors to cells with no weighting.

2D Projections#

konigcell.dynamic2d(positions, mode[, ...])

Pixelize / rasterize a moving particle's trajectory onto a 2D pixel grid.

konigcell.static2d(positions, mode[, ...])

Pixelize / rasterize static particles' positions onto a 2D pixel grid.

konigcell.dynamic_prob2d(positions, values)

Compute the 2D probability distribution of a moving particle's specific quantity (e.g.

konigcell.static_prob2d(positions, values[, ...])

Compute the 2D probability distribution of static particles' specific quantities (e.g.

3D Projections#

konigcell.dynamic3d(positions, mode[, ...])

Voxelize / rasterize a moving particle's trajectory onto a 3D voxel grid.

konigcell.static3d(positions, mode[, ...])

Voxelize / rasterize static particles' positions onto a 3D voxel grid.

konigcell.dynamic_prob3d(positions, values)

Compute the 3D probability distribution of a moving particle's specific quantity (e.g.

konigcell.static_prob3d(positions, values[, ...])

Compute the 3D probability distribution of static particles' specific quantities (e.g.

Low Level Interface#



Plotting Utilities#

konigcell.create_fig([nrows, ncols, ...])

Return a plotly.graph_objs.Figure pre-formatted with equalised axes and white theming.

konigcell.format_fig(fig[, size, font, template])

Format a Plotly figure to a consistent theme for the Nature Computational Science journal.